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Gaelscoil Léim an Mhadaidh, Limavady

Bord na nGobharnóirí

The Board of Governors has a duty to fulfil its statutory functions in relation to the school and is accountable for ensuring that its decisions support the best interests of the school and its pupils. It has considerable responsibility for the management of the school and works closely with the Principal.

The Board of Governors consists of the following representatives; 4 nominees of the Trustees, 1 nominee of the Department of Education for Northern Ireland (DENI), and 2 nominees from the Education Authority (EA), its membership includes 1 elected parent governor and 1 teacher elected by the teaching staff.  The Principal of the School is a non-voting member. Our Board of Governors was reconstituted in 2024. It will be reconstituted again in 2028.

The board therefore represents all the main interests concerned with the school.

The main responsibilities and functions of the Board of Governors include:
1. Setting the vision
2. School Development Planning
3. Curriculum and Educational Standards
4. Pastoral Care
5. Employment
6. Enrolment and Admissions
7. Financial Management
8. Annual Reporting to Parents


Below are the members of the school's Board of Governors 2024-2028 and their specific responsibilities)

Edel Mullan (EA appointed representative / Chairperson)

Noel Mc Gee (Trustee appointed representative / Vice Chairperson)

Justin Mc Carthy (Trustee appointed representative / ICT Link Officer / Finance)

Brian Donnelly (Trustee appointed Representative / Buildings & Environment)

Sarah-Jane Goldring (Trustee appointed Representative / HR / Marketing & Publicity) 

Aisling Owens (EA Representative / Principal's PRSD / Numeracy Link Officer)

Lara Walsh (Parent Representative / SEN Link Officer)

Liam Mac Giolla Mheana (DE Representative / Literacy Link Officer / Designated Child Protection Officer / Anti Bullying)

Sinéad Semple (Teacher Representative)

Charmaine Deery (Secretary / no vote)